Bulletin Mar 13, Flying Miners 2013 – Lentävät Mainarit
On June 7-9, 2013, from Friday to Sunday, the Sodankylä Aviation Club (Sodankylän Ilmailukerho) organizes a whole-family Aviation Event at the Sodankylä airport. Saturday, July 8, with dedicated shows, exhibitions and events, is
specifically reserved for the general public.
A special emphasis during the Aviation Event is to present flying and other aviation activities from the viewpoint of the locally ever more important mining industry. The Aviation Event provides an opportunity to observe and experience aviation both as a hobby and a profession.
Seminar About the Future of the Sodankylä Airport Area, on June 7, 2013
In connection of the Sodankylä Aviation Event, on Friday June 7, a seminar will be held concentrating on questions such as how to best ensure fast traffic communications and how best fulfil the requirements of the aviation rescue service, from the point of view of the different actors in Central Finnish Lapland.
During the seminar, representatives from the fields of aviation, mining, cold-area testing, and others, will discuss their visions for the future of the Sodankylä airport, and its versatile development.
The seminar is arranged together with the Sodankylä Municipality and other partners.
Confirmed participants include Jääkäriprikaati, Sodankylän kunta, Oulun Tilauslento Oy, Gyrokoulutus Oy, Heliflite Oy, Lapin Pelastushelikopterin Tuki ry Aslak, Suomen Lentopelastusseura, Lapin Pelastuslaitos, Arctic AirService Ky, GI palvelut Oy, Suomen Ilmailuliitto and Suomen Urheiluilmailuopisto, as well as aficionados from many branches of aviation, coming in with their equipment from all over Finland.
For more info, please contact
Chairman Kari Korvanen of Sodankylä Aviation Club,
E-mail kari.korvanen@sodik.fi
Phone +358 400 970 130